Tuesday, September 24, 2013

September 19, 2013 Session Report

A good time was had by all at this past week's session. Attendees were Doug, Karl, Patrick, Tim, Ben, Rembert and myself for a total of seven.  We got in a total of four different games:  Show Manager, Puerto Rico, Augustus and Guillotine.

First up was Show Manager; we had a full table of six for this musical themed game.  Final scores:  John 52, Tim 42, Patrick 37, Karl 32, Doug 29, Ben 28.  Doug and I had played before; everyone else was new to the game.

Rembert joined us, so we split into two groups for the next round of games.  One group played Augustus, which was a win for Doug.  Scores:  Doug 78, Patrick 54, Rembert 44, Karl 34.

Tim, Ben and I played Puerto Rico.  I got the Guild Hall and came out on top.  Scores:  John 49 Ben 37 Tim 35.

Final game of the evening was Guillotine. Doug, Tim and I were the participants.  Doug edged Tim for the win (28 to 25) in this free-wheeling game of the French Revolution, while I brought up the rear with 16.

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