Tuesday, September 17, 2013

September 12, 2013 Session Report

Only four for this week's session:  Ben, Mike, Neville and myself.  We played three games:  two games of Trains and one game of Gipsy King.

I had brought Trains a couple of weeks earlier, and Neville had been one of the players then.  In the first game, Neville and I tied at 29 while Mike and Ben tied at 27.  Tiebreaker is most train cubes on the board, don't remember who won but obviously, a close game.  Second game was not quite as close, with Ben (30) finishing first ahead of Neville (25), myself (21) and then Mike (21).  At one point I remember getting frustrated because of not being able to do anything with my turn (drawing 3-4 waste and very little money).  Subsequently, I was reminded of a rule that you can dump all your waste if you do no other actions (i.e, card buys, station or track builds, action cards, etc.)  Sorry for not remembering this.

We then played Gipsy King which Mike won with 69. Second was really close, scores were John 55, Neville 53, Ben 52.

Despite the poor attendance, everyone had a good time. I believe both these quick-playing games were well received by the group, so look to see both again.

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