Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 7, 2013 Session Report

Biggest turnout in a long time, a total of 11 for this week's session.  This included Steven, a first-time attendee at the Laurel club, along with Mike, Doug, Alex, Tim, Ben, Eric, Rembert, Patrick, Helen and myself.  We had three games going most of the time.  Games played were Suburbia, Attika, Too Many Cooks, Tzolkin:  The Mayan Calendar and Myrmes.

The group of Doug, Eric, Ben and Tim got in three games.  First up was Suburbia, which was a win for Doug.  Scores:  Doug 98, Eric 85, Ben 84, Tim 70.  Then they played Attika which turned out to be relatively short, as Tim won by connecting two shrines, something the other players should have done a better job of preventing.  Anyway, that gave everyone a chance to play a third game, which was Too Many Cooks.  This one was scored just as the room was being cleared, and Eric won with Doug a close second.  Scores were Eric 27, Doug 25, Ben 11 Tim 3.

The other two groups just played the one game.  Tzolkin was won by Steve, who wound up with two monuments and six well-used workers.  Scores were Steve 84, Mike 69, Alex 53, John 50.  (I tried a different strategy and focused on technology which didn't work too well.)  The other game, Myrmes, didn't quite make it to the finish line.  With a couple of rounds to go, the scores were Patrick 14, Helen 12, Rembert 10.

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