Wednesday, March 6, 2013

February 28, 2013 Session Report

We had eight for this week's session:  Patrick, Mike, Ben, Helen, Tim, Rembert, Peng and myself were the attendees.  Games played:  Power Grid (using the new Quebec map), Clash of Cultures and Piece o Cake.

The Power Grid game was a four-player, consisting of Mike, Helen, Ben and Rembert.  It came down to the wire when Helen built to 17 when she could only power 15.  Mike, who could also power 15, had more money.  Ben and Rembert powered one city less (14) and were one dollar apart in money.

The rest of us played Clash of Cultures which lasted the entire session and, in fact, we only got through three full turns of a scheduled four.  Scores at that point were Tim 19.5, John 17, Peng 13, Patrick 12.  Tim and Peng were playing the game for the first time.

Helen and Rembert played a two-player Piece o Cake game after the Power Grid game finished.  Helen won that one by a score of 42 to 33.

A reminder that the special Saturday Beltsville Games Day event is now less than two weeks away, Saturday March 16, at the Beltsville Community Center, from 9 AM to 4 PM.  There will be refreshments and game prizes.  See flyer at:

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