Tuesday, June 28, 2016

June 23, 2016 Session Report

Group of ten for this week's session. In attendance: Mike, Rouslan, David, Alex, Lina, Patrick, Jason, Ben A, Arnold and myself. Games played: For Sale, Russian Railroads, Orleans: Deluxe Edition, The Gallerist and Seeland.

For Sale was the quick warm-up game. Winner was Mike (62K) followed by myself (50K), Rouslan (48K) and David (46K). We then split into three groups for the rest of the session.

Russian Railroads was a 4-player, won by Rouslan. Scores: Rouslan (470), Mike (292), Ben (273) and Rembert (220).

Alex, Arnold and I tackled the Orleans: Invasion expansion, a 3-player co-op version. Things looked bad about midway through when Alex realized that houses built as forts didn't count for his individual victory condition, which required four houses as trading posts. In spite of this, we managed to pull out a win on the final turn of the game although it was close (we needed something like four or five Soliders in the last turn or two).

The Gallerist was another three-player (Patrick, David and Lina) that did not quite make it to the finish line.

Finally, Rouslan and Rembert broke out Seeland after the Russian Railroads game finished. No report on how the game turned out, not sure they finished it.

Will be at an out-of-town gaming event next week, so co-Host Mike will be in charge.

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