Tuesday, June 7, 2016

June 2, 2016 Session Report

Good turnout of 14 for this week's session. Attendees included three newcomers, Ben K., Shere and Bernie, along with Jason (back for his third session), Alan (whom we haven't seen in a long, long time) plus regulars Mike, David, Rouslan, Lina, Patrick, Alex, Marion, Rembert and myself. Games played: Codenames, Yedo, Copper Country and Marco Polo.

First up was Codenames, the quick warm-up game, and Mike and I were the clue givers. Mike's team -- which included Ben K and David -- won over my team as I gave some pretty bad clues that my teammates Rouslan and Lina had trouble figuring out. Oh well, after this we broke into three longer games.

One was Yedo, which Patrick had brought. Sheree showed up but was unable to stay for the entire session. Final scores were Lina 33, Patrick 23. Jason 12 and Rembert 10.

Copper Country, which Alan had brought, was a game I had played a couple of years back as a prototype at GenCon. It was extremely close, with Alan (30) coming out on top based on some endgame scoring that the rest missed out on. Other scores were David and me at 27, Mike at 26.

Finally, Rouslan brought Marco Polo but this time he did not win. Winner was Marion (103) ahead of Rouslan (95), Alex (60) and Ben K (68).

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