Monday, February 22, 2016

February 18, 2016 Session Report

Ten for this week's session. In attendance: Mike, Eugene, David, Megan, Arnold, Neville, Patrick, Tim, Rembert and myself. It was Megan's third session, making her eligible for GCOM membership. Games played: For Sale, King's Forge, Orleans (TMG Deluxe edition) and Istanbul with the new expansion.

The warmup game waiting for people to show up was For Sale. Very tight game, I managed to pull out a win with 66 points to 64 for Eugene, followed by Mike (60) and then David (50).

We then split up into two groups of five for the rest of the evening. One group, consisting of Neville, Megan, Patrick, Rembert and Arnold played King's Forge, which Neville had brought. Patrick wound up the winner with four objectives, Arnold with two, Neville with one and Megan and Rembert didn't get anyway. This same group then tackled Istanbul with the expansion, but no scores to report as I believe the game did not finish.

The rest of us played Orleans, which expands to five with the new TMG Deluxe edition that came out last fall. Mike ran away with the game, building lots of houses and then supplementing his income through use of the one of the second-level buildings after starting out with the Bathhouse. Final scores were Mike 177 Eugene 120 John 117 Tim 110 David 87.

Plan on being at PrezCon so will miss next week's session. Mike will I am sure serve ably in my stead.

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