Monday, February 29, 2016

February 25, 2016 Session Report

I was away at PrezCon (as were a couple of other club regulars), so co-Host Mike furnishes this recap:

"Attendees: Mike, Patrick, John B., Dave, Greg, Neville, Arnold, Rembert, Tim

Puerto Rico John 55, Mike 51, Arnold 50, Patrick 49, Rembert 33. Arnold ran a massive shipping game scoring 41 points in shipping corn. Patrick tried a sugar shipping strategy and got 35 points that way. John and I both went factory/big building but he was "upstream" from me and was able to take advantage of it to win.
Seeland Dave 165, Greg 135, Tim 120, Neville 114. I don't have any details but all of them enjoyed the game.
The New Science was played by Tim, Dave and Greg at the end but I needed to leave before they were finished. Greg was ahead as Sir Isaac Newton but the game still had much left to it."

As for PrezCon, the three of us who have been attendees here at Laurel CC all won plaques. First place prizes went to Eugene (for Stone Age) and Moon (for Tzolkin), and I managed to snag 2nd place in BrewCrafters -- at least that's all the ones of which I am aware. Moon also did well in the team event, winning it (which means she picked good teammates). Other results: Eugene advanced to the final in Russian Railroads but didn't win a prize. Moon advanced to the elimination round of the very large Settlers tournament there, and I managed to once again lose in the Puerto Rico semis after a couple of heat wins. There may be more, as I left while some events were still in progress. Learned a couple of new games in open gaming, bought some new stuff at the Auction Store for bargain basement prices and just getting caught up on sleep right now. Looking forward to seeing everyone this coming Thursday.

Monday, February 22, 2016

February 18, 2016 Session Report

Ten for this week's session. In attendance: Mike, Eugene, David, Megan, Arnold, Neville, Patrick, Tim, Rembert and myself. It was Megan's third session, making her eligible for GCOM membership. Games played: For Sale, King's Forge, Orleans (TMG Deluxe edition) and Istanbul with the new expansion.

The warmup game waiting for people to show up was For Sale. Very tight game, I managed to pull out a win with 66 points to 64 for Eugene, followed by Mike (60) and then David (50).

We then split up into two groups of five for the rest of the evening. One group, consisting of Neville, Megan, Patrick, Rembert and Arnold played King's Forge, which Neville had brought. Patrick wound up the winner with four objectives, Arnold with two, Neville with one and Megan and Rembert didn't get anyway. This same group then tackled Istanbul with the expansion, but no scores to report as I believe the game did not finish.

The rest of us played Orleans, which expands to five with the new TMG Deluxe edition that came out last fall. Mike ran away with the game, building lots of houses and then supplementing his income through use of the one of the second-level buildings after starting out with the Bathhouse. Final scores were Mike 177 Eugene 120 John 117 Tim 110 David 87.

Plan on being at PrezCon so will miss next week's session. Mike will I am sure serve ably in my stead.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

February 11, 2016 Session Report

Eight attendees (Mike, Ben, Greg, Neville, Rembert, Tim, Eugene and myself) were the group for this week's session, which was really the night for unfinished games; of five games played, three didn't make it to the finish line. Games played (including those that didn't finish) were 7 Wonders: Duel, Baseball Highlights, Trickeri0on, Palaces of Carrara and Power Grid: Quebec.

7 Wonders: Duel is the two-player version of 7 Wonders. Mike and I made it through the first age then picked it up after more people began to show. Then, Neville and I hooked up for a quick game of Baseball Highlights: 2045, I won the game but Neville had alot more drafting ability to pick up more players. Then, Neville and I (along with Eugene and Rembert) started Trickerion, a new Essen release where you are putting on magician shows and magic tricks. Steep learning curve meant we only got through four of the five turns of the basic game when the 9 PM witching hour struck, so three for three in unfinished games for me.

Two games that did make it to the finish were Palaces of Carrara and Power Grid: Quebec, so here are the scores:

Palaces of Carrara: Greg 168 Mike 106 Tim 70 Ben 63

Power Grid: Quebec was a bit closer: Mike 18 Greg 17/6 Ben 17/3 Tim 16

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

February 4, 2016 Session Report

Good turnout of 12 for this session: Rembert, Mike, Eugene, Patrick, Greg, Tim, Lina, John B, Neville, Arnold, Rouslan and myself were the attendees. Games played: Flip City, Above and Below, Power Grid Deluxe: Europe, Favor of the Pharoah, Manila and Codenames (x2). Some results and details follow.

Flip City was the warm-up game, played by Mike, Rembert, Eugene and myself. We picked it up after more people began to show without declaring a winner.

Above and Below was a four-player, won by Patrick, Scores: Patrick 46, John (me) 41, Tim 36, Greg 28.

Favor of the Pharoah: 1st, John B, 2nd, Rouslan, 3rd, Arnold, 4th, Neville. Apparently it came down to an exciting finish, with John winning on the very last roll after Arnold and Rouslan hit their rolls.

Manila: Rouslan 207, Arnold 129, Neville 115, John B 75. Comment: Pirates were a big factor, John kept losing $$ for each of first four turns which hurt his chances.

Power Grid Deluxe: Europe: Eugene 17, Line 16.25, Mike 16/23, Rembert 16/6. Based on the scores, looks like this was a really competitive game.

Codenames was played twice. First game, the team of John and Greg won versus the team of Patrick and Tim. Second game, Tim and Patrick (joined by Neville and Rouslan) exacted some revenge, winning over the John W, Greg, Mike and Rembert team.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

January 28, 2016 Session Report

Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling well and missed this session. Co-Host Mike provides this report:

"Attendees: Mike, Dave, Patrick, Alex, Ben, Eugene, John B.

Vinhos Patrick, John, Alex, Dave Alex 51 Patrick 47, Dave 29, John 26. Patrick referred to John as "a pig" and John felt he deserved it.
TTR Penn: Eugene, Ben, Mike. Eugene won with 210. Mike distant second with 144 and Ben 117. The game was viscous.
Concordia Britain. Mike 141, Eugene 135, Ben 101"

Thanks, Mike.