Monday, May 5, 2014

May 1, 2014 Session Report

Given this session was up against the first day of the GCOM Game Days event, perhaps it's understandable we have a slight dip in attendance.  At any rate, it was a group of five (Tim, Neville, Rouslan, Rembert and myself), and we played a total of just two games:  Fleet (with the Arctic Bounty Expansion) and 7 Wonders.  Tim emerged as the winner in both games.

Fleet, final scores were Tim 95, Rouslan 90, John 67, Neville 63, Rembert 59.  Tim won by getting more boats and more fish than anyone else.  Rouslan had the highest value fishing licenses.

7 Wonders:  Tim 56  John and Rembert 45 Rouslan 38 Neville 36.  Kind of a low scoring game to wrap up the evening.

Next week's session I hope to have on hand the quick-playing new game, Splendor, which was in constant play at Game Days.  Also, this coming weekend, Saturday, May 10th, will be the Laurel Main Street Festival, and GCOM will once again have a booth near the corner of 5th and Main.  The event runs from 9 AM to 4 PM.  Rodney (the host at the other Laurel location, GCOM Middle Earth) and I will be running the booth for GCOM and promoting the two Laurel clubs.  We will have several tables with some entry level games set up to hopefully encourage some newcomers to the hobby.  Anyone is welcome to join in!

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