Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 24, 2014 Session Report

Group of seven for this week's session:  Neville, Alex, Tim, Rouslan, Rembert, Helen and myself.  We got in three games:  Lords of Waterdeep, Manhattan Project (with the Nations expansion) and 7 Wonders.

Lords of Waterdeep was a three-player, won by Tim.  Scores:   Tim 177 Helen 143 Rembert 137.

Manhattan Project was a four-player that took up just about the entire session time.  I managed to win the game although, while we were counting points, Neville forgot that he could have won on his turn without having to save up for the five points for loading the final bomb.  So, a win with an asterisk.  Final scores (as reported) were John 51, Rouslan 39, Neville 26, Alex 19.  Alex took some severe hits from some of Rouslan's air strikes and never recovered.

The other game was 7 Wonders, which was another win for Tim.  Scores:  Tim 55 Helen 51 Rembert 46.

A remember:  this coming week is Game Days, which lasts from Thursday thru Sunday (May 1 - 4).  However, the Laurel club will be open Thursday night, May 1, for our regular club session.

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