Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 1, 2010 Session Report

Seven in attendance for this session: Ron, Mike, Paul, Don, Greg, Ben and myself. Games played: Lost Cities, San Juan, Jet Set, Macao, Roll Through the Ages.

Paul and Mike arrived first and finished one hand of Lost Cities (won by Paul, 44-10) when others arrived. There was a four-player San Juan that got started but abandoned after a couple of turns. Then, we split into two groups. One group played JetSet, which Greg had brought, that game was won by Ben, scores were Ben 44, Don 41, Greg 39, Paul 32. The other group played Macao, which I had brought. The Macao game, which included Mike, Ron and myself, took the rest of the evening. I managed to win, pulling ahead in the end after trailing most of the way. Sorry, didn't write down the final scores.

The other table played Roll Through the Ages after finishing with JetSet. Ben won again, final scores were interesting: Ben 28, Paul 18, Don 12, Greg -1. Love to hear Greg explain how he managed to wind up with a negative score.

Hope everyone had a nice 4th of July holiday weekend, looking forward to this week's session.

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