The night began with Eugene and I playing Santorini. This was the first time for both of us, with Eugene controlling the play most of the game, forcing me on defense. Eugene's control won him the game.
At this point, most everyone showed up and we broke into three groups. Dave brought Scythe. Rembert, Phil, Arnold and Neville joined him. The game went the entire session, with Phil winning as the center was closing.
At the next table, John played Mr. President. For this game, each played assumed the role of a different presidential candidate. Ben assumed the role of Mitt Romney with John as his VP Jeb Bush. On the Democrat's side, Marcia was John Edwards and Jason B was her(his?) VP candidate Hillary Clinton. The first debate was a VP debate on education that ended up a tie. The second debate was blown entirely by John Edwards, with Mitt being named the winner. John Edwards recovered and won the last debate. In a surprise, the GOP won California with 359 electoral votes with the Democrats only getting 179.
After this, the four switched gears to Power Grid: The Card Game. The game was incredibly close, with Marcia winning the game with 27 pts. John also had 27 but lost the tie breaker. Jason and Ben were right on their tails with 26 points each. I haven't seen it that close.
The third table started with Istanbul. I was the first to get 5 rubies, mostly by hitting the warehouses and markets and buying rubies for cash. The only ruby I got was by completing my wheelbarrow, which was my last. Chris and Jason A. each had 3 points and Eugene wrapped things up with 2.
Eugene had to leave to Chris, Jason and I play Corcordia on the Corsica map. The map was really tight. I managed to run away with all the Mercury and Mars cards and won with 130 points. Chris was next with 117 points and Jason A. finished with 101. The scores were all high because we stalled the acquisition of cards to finish our individual goals.
That's all I got. Remember, GCOM Winterfest and Prezcon are both coming up soon, with DeRail not far behind, if you're into train games.
See y'all next week.