Thursday, May 12, 2016

May 5, 2016 Session Report

Attendance was down a bit this week, only 7 of us -- Mike, Alex, David, Patrick, Arnold, Rembert and myself -- were present, and we played the following games: Kodama, Stockpile, Roll for the Galaxy (with some elements of the expansion) and Pax Porfirana.

First up was Kodama, which was a five-player, won by Alex. Scores were Alex 34, Patrick 30, myself 29, Mike 25 and David 11. The game involved building out picture cards to form branches of a tree. I believe we picked it up after one of three rounds or seasons.

We then split into two groups. One group played Stockpile, which I brought and won with 149. Other scores: Arnold 126, Rembert 119, Mike 114. This same group played Race for the Galaxy with one element from the new expansion, which Mike had brought. Rembert won with a score of 49, ahead of Arnold (44), me (41) and Mike (30).

That left David, Patrick and Alex to play Pax Porfirana, which David had brought. Patrick won with a successful overthrow (topple) of the Mexican government to win.

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