Wednesday, March 30, 2016

March 24, 2016 Session Report

Nine attendees this week: David, Mike, Patrick, Neville, Eugene, Lina, Rembert, Tim and myself. Games played: Black Fleet, Homeland, Russian RR: German RR, Deception and Gipsy King.

We broke into three groups of three for the first round of games. Patrick, Lina and Rembert played Black Fleet, which was won by Patrick. Scores: Patrick 54, Lina 48, Rembert 33.

Russian Railroads with the German expansion was won by Eugene. Scores: Eugene 402, Mike 322, Tim 278.

Neville brought Homeland, a spy game based on the TV show. Final scores were Neville 11, David 10, myself 9. However, the Terrorists actually won as we weren't able to stop all the plots.

Second round of games included Deception, which included David, Patrick, Neville and me. I managed to win a round when I was the bad guy by throwing Patrick and David off the track even though Neville was, I thought, giving some good clues. Don't remember if we had time for a second round or not.

Then, there was a game of Gipsy King (four-player) that went to Rembert (54) ahead of Mike (52), Eugene (46) and Tim (42).

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