Thursday, July 9, 2015

July 2, 2015 Session Report

A dozen in attendance this week. Roster of attendees: Mike, Patrick, Doug, Will, Alex, Lina, Neville, Ben, Rouslan, Marie, Rembert and myself were the 12. Games played: Dogs of War, Kraftwagen, Nations: The Dice Game and To Court the King. Some results follow.

Dogs of War, no details except for the scores. Will was a big winner, with 49, followed by Neville (29), Lina (23), Ben (17) and finally Patrick (5), who was the person who had brought the game.

Kraftwagen was a brand new game about the German automotive industry using similar mechanics to Glen More, by the same designer. We played with four (the max for this game), and once again Alex proved himself to be the master of the new games, winning with 66. I managed a close section with 61, followed by Mike (46) and Doug (39). Really like this game as the mechanics flow quite freely.

Nations: The Dice Game, which I had brought, was a three-player, ending in a tie with Marie and Rouslan, both at 19, followed by Rembert at 15. No word on who won the tiebreaker (which would go based on turn order, i.e., most swords in the last turn).

Those of us who stayed and were not in the longer Dougs of War game got in a second game, which was To Court the King, which Doug had brought. I thought I was doing well but missed out on the key 6-of-a-kind guy. Mike got the King but didn't have enough dice to win the final round. Doug and Rembert each got to 10, Mike had 9, so that meant Rouslan and I trailed with 8.

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