Thursday, May 14, 2015

May 7, 2015 Session Report

Ten for this week's session: attendees were Alex, Patrick, Mike, Tim, Eugene, Alec, Lina, Doug, Rembert, Will and myself. Games played: Scoville, Brew Crafters and Trans America.

Scoville was a full table of six, scores were very close. Lina and Patrick tied at 65, Lina had the most money and was therefore the winner (or was it least money, can't tell from the notes). Other scores were Alex 63, Alec 61, Mike 60, Rembert 54. All but Alex stayed for a final game of TransAmerica which did not finish.

Doug and Will joined Eugene and me for a game of Brew Crafters that barely made it to the finish line (we actually ran a few minutes over). Eugene was the winner, with an excellent score of 99. I was second with 87, followed by Will and Doug with 62 apiece.

Main St. Festival was last weekend. This weekend, on Sunday afternoon, May 17, is Beltsville Day, and there will be a table of games set up at the Beltsville CC as in past years.

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