"We had a great turnout Thursday. We got 6 games in with 12 people! In attendance were: me, Doug H, the new John B (not to be confused with Biker John B), Reggie, Neville, Tim back from Japan, Andrew, Lee, Brian, with Helen, Rembert & Rouslan showing up a bit later.
We started the night with a warm up game of Love Letters as we were
waiting for people to show up. After four hands, we wrapped it up with
Doug winning 2 hands and Reggie & me each winning one. As more
people showed up, we broke into two games. John, Reggie, Neville and I
played Union Pacific. The 1st payout really caught me unprepared and the
rest of the players got cash and I got zilch. I wasn't able to recover.
The rest of the players played a really tight game. The final score was
Neville winning with $110, Reggie having $106, John with $105 and I
brought up the end with $82.
At the same time, Doug, Brian, Lee, Andrew, Timmy and Helen played
Lords of Waterdeep with both of the Skullport expansions. With what I
believe were 1st time players, the game took the entire evening (+5
minutes) and Tim pulled out the win with 119 points. The rest of the
scores were close with Helen getting 111, Doug 104, Andrew 103, Lee 102
and Brian 93.
While these games were underway, Rembert and Rouslan arrived and
broke out a two person game of Can't Stop. Rouslan made a quick grab and
claimed 8 but Rembert fought back but did not prevail. Rouslan ended up
claiming 4 spots while Rembert could only get three.
When they finished, the UP players joined the Can't Stop players
for Bang: The Dice Game. Neville was the Sheriff and Rouslan managed to
confuse everyone on whether he was the deputy or not. In the end, the
real deputy, Neville, put the last bullet in Rouslan, saving Sheriff
Neville. Rouslan, Rembert, Rouslan and I fought the law and the law won.
We fought the law and the... law won.
Neville had to leave so Rouslan, Reggie, John, Rembert and I
finished the evening with Gipsy King. The game was the closest I've seen
with me winning with 46 points. Rouslan came in next with 45, Reggie
and John tied with 44 pts and Rembert brought up the rear with 43 pts. I
don't think it could've got much closer."