Wednesday, December 18, 2013

December 12. 2013 Session Report

We had seven (Mike, Karl, Neville, Patrick, Rembert, John B and myself) for this week's session.  We split into two groups and got a total of three games in:  The Hobbit, Lewis & Clark and Agricola.

The Hobbit is a cooperative game that was played by Patrick, Rembert and John B.  Unfortunately, the game system defeated the players.  So, they set up a game of Agricola that did not quite make it to the finish line by the 9 PM close time.

The rest of us played Lewis & Clark, which I had been fortunate enough to score a copy via Canada as it was one of the more popular new Essen games at this year's EuroQuest.  I managed to win, although Neville was within one turn of reaching our destination, Fort Clatsop on the West Coast.  Karl (who had played once before) and Mike were the other players.

Once again, a reminder that the club will be open on Thurs. evening Dec. 26th and again on Thurs Jan. 2, so no sessions will be missed due to the Holidays this year (but check with the Community Center in case there is inclement weather).

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