Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July 25, 2013 Session Report

Attendance was up this week, partly due to two first-timers (Vince and Eric) whom we hope to see at the club again in the future.  Mike, Patrick, Rembert, Helen, Brad and myself were the others bringing the total attendance up to eight for this week.  We played three games:  Can't Stop, Lords of Waterdeep and Village.  I managed to go undefeated, winning both Can't Stop and Village.

Can't Stop was a four-player, with Vince and Eric joining Mike and myself.  I managed to use a conservative approach to win, although Vince was close, getting two numbers to the top.  Eric and Mike each managed to get one.

For Village, the players were Mike, Rembert, Vince and myself.  Final scores were:  John 50 Vince 47 Mike 43 Patrick 39. I believe it was Vince's first time playing, so he did well to come close to winning.

The other four of us were in the Lords of Waterdeep game that wrapped up just before closing time.  Helen won by just two from Brad (161 to 161).  Eric and Rembert were the other two players..

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