Tuesday, February 19, 2013

February 14, 2013 Session Report

Seven in attendance for this week's session:  Patrick, Mike, Doug, John B, Rembert, Peng and myself.  We played a total of three games:  Timeline, Clash of Cultures and Tzolk'in.

Timeline was first up while waiting for people to show up.  Doug and Mike tied for first, getting all five events completed on the same turn.  John W, John B and Patrick were the remaining participants.

We then split into two groups for the rest of the session.  Clash of Cultures was a three-player, won this time by Doug.  Very close game, though.  Final scores were Doug 19, Patrick 17, John B 16 but I believe it was John B's first play while Patrick and Doug had played each other the week before.

The rest of us played Tzolk'in, the Mayan calendar game with the moving gears.  Having some prior experience with the game helped alot, and I managed to score a runaway victory by focusing primarily on the temples plus a monument that let me score temple bonuses at the end.  Final scores were John W 84, Peng 41, Rembert 36, Mike 28, so Peng was the best of the three first-time players.  (Mike claimed to have watched the video but I guess it didn't include strategy tips.)

Anyway, next Thursday I plan to be in Charlottesville for the PrezCon convention so Co-Host Mike will be in charge.

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