"We had a good night Thursday. Most of the regulars (Ben,
Doug, Patrick, "Biker" John, Helen, Rembert, Tim and me) and we got 5
games in.
The night started
with a warmup game of For Sale by the early arrivals (Doug, Patrick, Ben
and me). During the phase where properties are purchased we had the
unlikely flop for the 2,3,4 and 5 properties together. Not surprisingly,
no one bid. Bidding wrapped up with everyone practically broke except
Doug who had 9 coins left. But it didn't help him in the end as Ben won
the game with 63 points. Patrick came in second with 59, I had 55 and
Doug brought up the rear with 49.
While this game was being played,
Tim and "Biker" John arrived. When we finished with For Sale, Patrick
joined them in a game of Agricola that took them the rest of the night.
Towards the end, Tim reminded John that he has the thrasher in front of
him and the points gained with it pushed John to the win with 41 points.
Tim came in second with a respectable 35 points and Patrick ended with
Doug, Ben and I played a round of
Puerto Rico. Doug gained a lot of points shipping while Ben and I played
mixed strategies. I think an early harbor and coffee production helped
me because at the end Doug and I each had 55 points but I won the tie
breaker with 9 coins and no barrels and Doug just had one barrel. Ben
wrapped up the game with 46 points.
While we were all playing, Rembert
and Helen showed up and played a half game of Loot. They weren't really
worried about score since they stopped before they finished.
Doug, Ben, Helen, Rembert and I wrapped up with a
game of Lords of Waterdeep. Helen's Lord was the one that wanted
buildings and with the Plot Quest card that allowed her to place an
agent were another player had won, she broke away from the pack and won.
The final scores were Helen 114, Mike 96, Doug 95, Rembert 90 and Ben
84. We wrapped up just before 9."