Wednesday, December 26, 2012

December 20, 2012 Session Report

Eight for this week's session:  Tim, Mike, Doug, Greg, Patrick, Rembert, Helen and myself.  We played a total of three games:  Lords of Waterdeep, 10 Days in Asia and CO 2. 

Lords of Waterdeep was a four-player, extremely close game:  Six points from top to bottom, and an absolute tie for first.  Mike and Doug, each with 110, each tied on money, shared the win.  Patrick (105) and Tim (104) were not that far behind.

10 Days in Asia was won by Patrick.  Tim, Doug and Helen were also in this game.

Finally, Greg, Rembert and I played CO 2.  To speed things along, we played without the lobby cards which made the game a bit more challenging as we were tight money, cubes or expertise at different points in the game.  Greg, who was playing for the first time, came away the winner with 99 points to 95 for me, and Rembert not far behind at 85.

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