Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June 14, 2012 Session Report

Another great week attendance-wise, with 12 present and accounted for:  Neville, Doug, Tim, Mike, Patrick, Jay, Scott (back for a second time), Ben, Greg, Kay, Rembert and myself.  We split into three groups for most of the evening.  Games played were:  Quarriors, King of Tokyo (2 plays), Automobile, Poseidon, Shadow Hunters and Coyote.

The one group that got the most games in (because they were playing shorter games) was Doug, Neville, Kay and Rembert.  They started off with Quarriors, which Rembert (who I know had seen the game played but believe it was his first play) winning, using the power of a creature I don't recall seeing before that actually took points away from other players.  Final scores were Rembert 13, Doug 9, Neville 8, Kay 0 -- yes, Kay had scored some points but lost it to Rembert's unique creature/spell, which I now need to check out.

This same group then played two games of King of Tokyo.  Doug actually won both games, one with 15 points and the second by being the last left alive.  They then had time for a game of Shadow Hunters, and my notes have the team of Neville and Rembert winning but Neville "died" in the process.

The Automobile game was a four-player (as were just about all the games).  Greg took out two loans early on, and it turned out to be the right play has he got more production and eventually more income in a game that saw relatively few loss cubes handed out.  Greg benefited from the conservative play of the other players to win by a wide margin:  Greg 4610, Patrick 3940, John 3810, Tim 3520.  We then had about 20-30 minutes left and wrapped up with a game of Coyote that was won by Tim, with Greg second, Patrick third after yours truly was the first to be eliminated.

The other group got in a game of Poseidon that barely finished by 9.  Very close scores, very similar counts to the Automobile game, interestingly.  Jay (3885) nosed out Scott (3835), with Ben (3509) coming ahead of Mike (3369), a bit of a surprise since Mike is probably the most experienced player at this game.

Anyway, another great session.  I believe this makes four successive weeks of a dozen or more, no doubt a club record. Let's keep it up.

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