Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 19, 2011 Session Report

Nice turnout for this week's session, we had nine gamers: Paul, Mike, Ron, Rodney, Doug H, Tim, Don, Brian and myself. We had two games going throughout the session.

First up was a game of Roll through the Ages that was unfinished once more people showed up. We then split into two groups. One game was Ascension, won by Mike (56) Rodney (45) and Doug, who brought the game (43). This group was joined by Don for a game of Puerto Rico, which came down to the tiebreaker. Don won over Rodney (each with 50 points) on the basis of having one more coin/good. Mike (44) was third, followed by Doug (38).

The other group played Settlers. I scored a rare victory in this game after it looked like Tim had the upper hand. The players and scores were: John (10), Paul and Tim (6) and Ron (5). I believe it was Ron's first time playing this game.

Next games were Pastiche and Vegas Showdown. Pastiche was won by Rodney (39) followed by Paul (32), Doug (31) and Don (23). Another great job of teaching the game to new players by Doug. Vegas Showdown was another runaway win for Brian, who had won a game last week as well. Scores: Brian 59 John 37 Don 36 Tim 35 Mike 30

Last two games were 7 Wonders and the cooperative game, Forbidden Island. 7 Wonders was a triumph for Don (with a nice score of 63 points). Others: Rodney 58 Tim 54 Mike 45 Paul 44. Forbidden Island, the four of us (Brian, Doug, Ron and myself) tried real hard but the waters kept rising and rising, so we lost. Thus ended the session.

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