Monday, April 4, 2011

March 31, 2011 Session Report

Six in attendance this week: Mike, Paul, Tim, Doug M, Patrick and myself. Games played: Speicherstadt, London, Puerto Rico, Ticket to Ride - Switzerland and the new second edition of 7 Wonders (which Mike had brought). Some details follow.

First up was The Speicherstadt, five-player game, very close scores (for four of us, at least): Mike 25 Paul 25 Doug 25 Tim 24 John 14. Mike won on the money tiebreaker, while Paul and Doug tied for second.

Patrick arrived, so we split into two groups for the next round of games. Three of us elected to play London. Final scores: Doug 89 John 55 Patrick 16. Not a real close one as Doug managed to build the most districts and ran away with the game.

The other group of three got in two games in the same time frame. Puerto Rico wound up a win for Mike: 60 to 45 (Paul) and 44 (Tim). Ticket to Ride-Swiss was a blowout win for Mike, with Tim second and Paul conceding after being blocked from several key runs.

The final game of the evening was a five-player 7 Wonders. Mike had brought the new edition, which included the eighth Wonder expansion as well as some new components but the rules were basically the same. Tim emerged the winner, preventing a four-game sweep for the evening by Mike. Final score count: Tim 65 Doug 60 Mike 55 John 53 Paul 39.

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