Saturday, March 5, 2011

February 24, 2011 Session Report

While some of us were away at PrezCon, there was a group of four at this session. Don, Paul, Ron and Mike were present, and they played three different games: K2, Ticket to Ride (US Map) and Iliad. Iliad did not make it to the finish line, but the results for the other two games follow (courtesy of Mike for providing this information).

K2: Very close scores, well at least for three of the four players. It was Don 23, Paul 22 and Ron 20. Mike lost both climbers when he was blocked from advancing and wound up with just 2 points.

Ticket to Ride: Winner was Paul 123, followed by Don 106 (including the longest route bonus), Mike 104 (most tickets bonus), Ron 92.

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