Friday, October 16, 2009

October 15, 2009 Session Report

Seven attendees this week: Neil, Greg, Doug, Paul, Mike, Clayton, and myself. We played six different games: For Sale, Power Grid (Korea), Railways of the Eastern United States, Chicago Express, San Juan, Too Many Cooks.

For Sale was the warmup gaming while waiting to see if more folks showed up. It was six players, and I emerged victorious. Final score count: John (51), Greg and Neil (46), Mike (42), Doug (35) and Paul (33). We then split into two groups for the rest of the session. One group (Mike, Paul and Neil) played Power Grid-Korea (won by Paul), Chicago Express (tie between Neil and Paul, with Mike, the teacher of the game, finishing far, far behind) and finally San Juan (another tie for first, this time between Mike and Neil).

The remaining four of us (Clayton, Doug, Greg and I) played the new version of the Railroad Tycoon, called Railways of the Eastern US. It was a very close game throughout most of the early stages, but Greg pulled away to become the big winner. Final scores: Greg 69, Clayton 57, John 54, Doug 49. We had time for another game, Too Many Cooks, which Greg brought and Greg (who had played it the most) won with 30 ahead of Doug with 25 well ahead of Clayton and I (who had played it the least, it was my second play, Clayton's first) but Clayton still put me in last, 8 for Clayton to 7 for John.

Hope to see a bigger turnout next week as the rainy weather may have kept some people away this week.

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