Friday, May 15, 2009

May 14, 2009 Session Report

Attendance was down slightly for this week's session, we only had six people but still split into two groups for the first round of games. Don, Paul, Doug, Ron, Clayton and myself were on hand, and we played the following games: Mississippi Queen, Ghost Stories, San Juan, Hoity Toity and Daytona 500.

Mississippi Queen was a three-player, with Don, Paul and Ron playing the role of riverboat pilots. Don won the race. Meanwhile, I had borrowed a new cooperative game from the GCOM collection called "Ghost Stories" and was joined by Doug and Clayton. We managed to survive for awhile, but about two-thirds of the way through the deck the ghosts began to get the better of us. This is a very tough cooperative game, even on the easy level, and I am open to some strategy tips and hope to do better next game.

Don continued his winning streak, taking his second game of the evening (San Juan), final scores were Don 37 Ron 24 Paul 14 (Don had both the Guild Hall and City Hall).

For the final two games of the evening, all six of us participated. We played Hoity Toity; it was a real see-saw game with the lead going back and forth, Ron moved ahead and triggered the game-end, but I managed to sneak past him with the best collection. (Had Ron been able to move just four spaces for second best collection, he would have won.) Doug was third, with Clayton, Don and Paul trailing.

Final game was Daytona 500, which Ron had brought. We barely managed to finish two of the scheduled three races. Ron and Don were the two best drivers, each with a win and a second, but because Don had been bid up to 90K for a pole position car, Ron was the overall winner. Final dollar scores: Ron 730K, Don 700K, Paul 520K, Doug 500K, Clayton 450K and yours truly in last with just 400K.

A reminder this Saturday is our joint session with the Columbia club, for details either go back a few weeks earlier or you can also access the information from the Columbia club's webpage at:

Hope for a good turnout of our Laurel club members on Saturday. The Columbia club has been averaging around 10-11 folks per session, pretty good attendance for a new club.

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