Wednesday, November 25, 2015

November 19, 2015 Session Report

Good turnout of 12 for this week's session: Mike, John B, David, Greg, Rouslan, Eugene, Alex, Patrick, Moon, Rembert, Tim and myself were the attendees. Games played: Orleans (the new TMG version), Codenames, Wings for the Baron, Voyages of Marco Polo and No Thanks.

Once again, Codenames was the quick-playing warm-up game. Greg and Rouslan bested David and myself in the opening game, then I teamed with Eugene to take on Greg and Mike, don't have the results recorded except I seem to recall it was a closer game. People either joined in or watched as we made all sorts of inaccurate guesses.

Mike had brought the new edition of Orleans, and it was a four-player, won by Eugene. Scores were Eugene 158, Alex 140, John B 113, Mike 88.

I brought Wings for the Baron, which David (being one of the playtesters) was familiar with. We taught the game to Greg and Rembert. Final scores were myself first with 29, followed by David (23), Rembert (22) and Greg (16). Technically, this was a win with an asterisk as David had to leave some time around 8, so we picked up the game a few turns short of the end -- giving Greg, Rouslan and I the chance to play another game or two.

Voyages of Marco Polo was another four-player, won by Rouslan, but just barely, with 75 to 74 for Moon. Patrick (63) and Tim (45) were the other players. Good effort by Moon in her first time playing the game, to come within a point of Rouslan, whom I have observed is quite good at the game.

Greg, Rembert and I played three games of No Thanks, each of us winning once, to wrap up the evening's festivities.

Reminder, due to Holidays coming up, only three more sessions this calendar year: December 3, 10th and 17th as the other Thursdays fall on Holidays when the CC will be closed (Thanksgiving plus Christmas Eve and New Years Eve).

Thursday, November 19, 2015

November 12, 2015 Session Report

Eleven for this week's session: Mike, Patrick, Greg, Lina, Tim, Arnold, Alex, Rouslan, Eugene, Rembert and myself. Games played: Codenames (played twice), Star Trek: Five-Year Mission, Lewis & Clark, Essen: The Game, 7 Wonders: Babel.

Codenames was the opening game and also played a second time as a filler later in the session. Teams for the first game were Greg, Patrick and Arnold versus myself, Lina and Alex. Second game was Eugene, Rouslan and Tim versus myself, Mike and Rembert. Didn't keep track of winners.

Star Trek: Five-Year Mission was won by Rouslan. Scores were Roulsan 60, Eugene 51, Rembert 48, Mike and Tim trailing with 43.

Lewis & Clark was a three-player, won by Arnold. Greg and Patrick were the other two players.

Essen: The Game was another three-player. Final scores were John 100, Alex 80, Lina 78. First play for Alex, who has been to Essen, and seemed to enjoy the game.

Finally, 7 Wonders: Babel was a five-player. No guilds were built. Winner was Eugene (58), followed by Rouslan (44), Rembert (42), Mike (42) and finally Tim (29).

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

No Session Report for Thursday, November 5, 2015

Mike and I, and a number of club attendees, were at EuroQuest, so no session report. If anyone was at the Club last week, please pass on any information to report on attendance and games played.

Several club members did quite well at EuroQuest. Including past as well as present attendees, eight events in total were won by club attendees. Eugene Yee won two tournaments. Co-Host Mike won one (7 Wonders) as did John Barringer (Power Grid). Jay Boring (2 event wins) and Moon Sultana (two) had attended club sessions in the past. I finished third in the Wild Card event, and Tim Carnahan was third in the 7 Wonders final.

Sad news to report, however. Long-time club attendee Doug Hoylman passed away some time shortly before last week's EuroQuest. He was a regular attendee at the club since its very early days of existence, back in 2005. Doug was also Host at two GCOM locations in Potomac and Capitol Hill, and co-Host at two others. It has been a pleasure to know Doug and play many many games with him over the years. He will be missed. I plan to ask for a moment of silence to remember Doug at our next session tomorrow night.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

October 29, 2015 Session Report

Good turnout for this week, 12 in attendance: Mike, David, Patrick, Lina, Alex, Rouslan, Tim, Eugene, Neville, John B, Rembert and myself were the participants. Games played: For Sale, The Producer: 1940-44, The Voyages of Marco Polo, and Power Grid: Stock Companies.

For Sale was the quick warm-up game, which I managed to win. Scores: John W 57, Patrick 47, Lina 43, David 42, Mike 38, Rouslan 31. At this point in the session we split into three groups for the remainder of the evening.

The Producer: 1940-44, is a new Essen 2015 release, that I had just received earlier in the week and volunteered to demo at EuroQuest. It's a game about making movies with real actors, actresses, directors and scripts from the 1940-44 time period. David and Lina were my two guinea pigs, and we decided to pick it up after two of the scheduled three years. (David had to leave after year one, but he had already ordered a copy of the game via the Internet while we were playing). Final scores (not necessarily reflective of what would have happened had we finished): John W first, Lina second, David third.

Voyages of Marco Polo was another win for Rouslan. Scores: Rouslan 88, Alex 82, Rembert 77, Neville 62.

Finally, another new game, Power Grid: Stock Companies, won by Tim (781) ahead of Eugene (715), John B (671). Mike (540) and Patrick (score unknown, but apparently less than 540).

Anyway, this coming Thursday session conflicts with the EuroQuest convention near Baltimore. Mike and I, and many club regular attendees will be there. Anyone showing up at the club is advised to ask for the key to the closest where the game collection is housed, assuming no one shows with their own games to play. See everyone on Thursday, Nov. 12th.

Monday, November 2, 2015

October 22, 2015 Session Report

Wow, just realized that with EuroQuest coming around the corner and a bunch of new games to try out, I have fallen a bit behind in posting these reports, oh well, better late than never ...

Thursday October 22, there were 11 gamers at the club: Tim, David, Mike, Eugene, Alex, Rembert, Lina, Greg, Neville, Rouslan, Arnold and myself were the attendees. Between Two Cities (x2), Shakespeare, Russian Railroads and Concordia were the games played.

Between Two Cities was a five-player. Scores were Tim and Rembert 59, Greg 51, Mike and David 46. The tiebreaker went to Tim, whose best city was a higher value than Rembert's.

Shakespeare was a four-player, won by Alex. Scores were Alex 20, myself 18, Eugene 15, Neville 14. Scores were higher than in the first play (won by Greg) but still lower than what the rulebook predicts (which is 22) for a "tight four-player game."

Russian Railroads (three-player) was won by Rouslan with 424. There was a tie for second at 295 apiece between David and Rembert.

Concordia was won by Arnold, his first win I believe at the club, and it was a really close game: Arnold 98 Mike 97 Tim 96 Greg 89.

Finally, Between Two Cities was played a second time. Another close game, won by Greg (58), followed by Tim (57), then Mike and Arnold, both at 54.