Thursday, May 31, 2007

Session Report

We had six gamers in attendance this week: Paul, Sarah, Val, Gabe, Eric and myself, and this was Sarah and Val's third meeting qualifying them for GCOM associate membership.

We played a total of five different games. First up, it was a four-player Coloretto, and it wound up with Val and Sarah, the two newcomers, finishing 1-2 with 31 and 30 points, respectively. Paul came home third with 22, and I brought up the rear with 5. By this time Gabe and Eric had arrived and we played Incan Gold, which is a remake of the push-your-luck game, Diamant. Final scores were John 24, Val 23, Paul 16, Eric 10, Gabe 10, Sarah 6. Next up was Hoity Toity, and I pulled ahead to win after it was really close in the middle part of the game. Eric was second, Paul and Val tied for third, followed by Gabe and then Sarah. We then paired up in three two-player teams to play Iliad, and after much back and forth the game lasted the full 8 rounds with the Gabe-John team scoring 17 to 11 for the Paul-Val and Eric-Sarah duos.

After we finished up with Iliad, there were just about 20 minutes left in the session (ending at 9 PM due to the summer schedule for the Community Center), just enough time for two rounds of Category 5. Paul took no points the first round and was the overall winner with just 7 points. Other scores (and in this game, low is good) were Val at 8 (just one point behind!), Sarah 26, Eric and Gabe tied at 33, and yours truly (with a big fat 46) once again taking it on the chin.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Thursday, May 24 Session Report

Attendance for this past session was nine: Gabe, Doug Hoylman, Sarah, Val, Eric, Beth, Nicole and myself were joined by Doug Mercer, a veteran gamer who I have known from prior GCOM sessions over the past five years or so who was attending at our location for the first time.

We played a total of nine different games over the course of the evening: Lost Cities, Ingenious, Bank Bandits (Gabe's prototype design), Blokus Trigon, Tongiaki, Queen's Necklace, Quiddler, Pitchcar, and Saboteur.

Hope everyone had a fine Memorial Day weekend. Keep in mind that starting this week, the gaming sessions will end an hour earlier.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Introductory Post

Well, I have just completed the log-in process to set up this blogspot to communicate about the fun exciting gaming-related activities available each week at the Laurel Community Center Games Club. The Games Club was started in September 2005 in cooperation with the Laurel Department of Parks and Recreation, which operates the Community Center. Attendance at all our sessions is open to the public, free of charge, all ages and gaming experience welcome.

In February of 2006, the club became affiliated with the Games Club of Maryland , a statewide organization with over 30 separate locations in Maryland and surrounding states. As of the time of this writing, there are five other GCOM locations that operate at Community Centers in Maryland. For more information about GCOM, check out the organization's website at:

For more information about our local games club, check out the specific website at: