Saturday, August 30, 2014

August 28, 2014 Session Report

Ten for this week's session.  Attendees were Mike, Patrick, Alex, Alec, Tim, Neville, Rich, Rembert, Ben H and myself.  (Not counting Rodney who arrived late and unfortunately didn't get in a game.)  In fact, only three games were played (Game of 49, City of Iron and Keyflower) and two of these didn't make it to the finish line.

We started with the Game of 49 which was the warm-up game while waiting for people to show up.  Mike, Alec, Patrick and I were the participants.  Alec, Mike and Patrick had more chips on the board, but no one was close to winning, and we decided to start a couple of longer games as more people arrived.

Patrick brought City of Iron, which he taught to Alex, Neville and I.  We didn't finish although we did hit the second of three scoring rounds.  It looked like Alex had a good position although Patrick, being more familiar with the rules and victory conditions, was also a likely winner.  I am fairly certain I was going to come in fourth and last.

Keyflower was a six-player, and this one did wrap up right before the 9 PM close.  Scores were Ben H 59, Rich 41, Tim 37, Rembert and Mike 30, Alec 29.  I believe only Mike and Tim had played before.

1 comment:

Mark Corsey said...

Great to read about your experiences playing "The Game of 49." One of the most fun things about the game is forcing your neighbor to part with his cash in order to block someone else from winning—so I hope you thoroughly heckled Neville and Mike for refusing to "take one for the team" to deny you the win!
Keep spreading the word about "49," and thanks!
Mark Corsey, Designer