Saturday, September 6, 2014

September 4, 2014 Session Report

Doug, Jack, Tim, Alex, Rouslan, Lina, Ben H, Rembert and myself were the attendees for this session, for a total of nine attendees.  Games played:  Gonzaga, Panamax, Splendor (3 times) and the Game of 49 (twice).

Gonzaga was a three-player.  Scores were reported as 91 for Rouslan, 90 for Tim and 60 for Jack.

I had brought Panamax and taught the game to Doug, Alex and Lina.  The game was slow-going due to the unusual mechanics and learning curve.  Alex had to leave around 8:30 so we scored the game after two rounds.  Turned out Alex was the winner, with 57 to 43 for Lina, 40 for John and 31 for Doug.  We think there may have been some errors in mixing up personal and company money, so the game stands with an asterisk.  Alex won the award for best Managing Director after the first round but, when he couldn't pay dividends in the second round, Lina won that award.  So, not sure how it would have come out had we completed the third and final round.

Splendor was played three times:
Game 1:  Ben 19 Rembert 8
Game 2:  Jack 16 Rouslan 15, Ben and Rembert trailing
Game 3:  Rouslan 17 Ben 10 Rembert 9

Game of 49 was played twice, two-player, between Ben and Rembert.  Each one once.

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