Thursday, December 31, 2015

December 17, 2015 Session Report

Here's the report for our final session of 2015.

Attendance: 12. Rouslan, Mike, Alex, Alec, David, Tim, Lina, Neville, John B, Moon, Rembert and I were the attendees. Games played: Strike (x2), New Haven, Keyflower (with Expansion) and BrewCrafters. There may have been a fifth game played but, if so, I didn't get the details.

Strike, a quick playing game, was played twice, won both times by Rouslan. Alex, David and Mike participated in both games, David participated in the second of the two games.

New Haven was a four-player. Final scores were Neville 44, David 34, Rouslan 27, Rembert 26.

Keyflower was also a four-player, I know it was played with one of the new expansions. Final scores: Tim 81, John B 69, Mike 59, Alec 57.

Last game of the year to finish was BrewCrafters. Moon, who had just recently learned the game, wanted to play again, and came out the winner, 80 points to edge Alex who was second with 77. Lina was next with 67, and I came dead last with 60 (after taking out three loans). But, hey, I had to do the teaching/reminding and tried to keep things moving so we finished in time. It still took us til almost a quarter past 9 to pick up the game, but the CC staff was generous enough to let us stay a bit late, after all we were missing the next two weeks due to Christmas and New Years holidays.

Any way, next session, the first one of the new year, will be Thursday, January 7, 2016.

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