Tuesday, August 11, 2015

August 6, 2015 Session Report

The August attendance slump hit this week, as attendance was down to just seven. But we did welcome two first-time attendees, Jennifer and Jay, plus Doug, Rouslan, Neville, Rembert and myself to form the group. Four games were played: Biblios Dice, MobTown, Qwixx and Voyages of Marco Polo.

Neville was back with some new games in tow, so we played Biblios Dice, obviously a dice version of the card-driven Biblios game. Somehow, I managed to come out on top with 31, followed by Neville (23), Rouslan (18), Doug (15) and Jennifer (12).

Then we split into two groups after Rembert and Jay had arrived. One group of four played MobTown followed by Qwixx. MobTown was won by Rembert, ahead of Jay, Neville and Doug -- no scores reported. Qwixx was a one-point win for Neville with Jay second (100 to 99). Rembert (42) and Doug (30) alsoe played.

Voyages of Marco Polo made it through four of the planned five rounds, with Rouslan -- the only player who had played before -- coming out on top with 50 pts. Jennifer was second with 40, I was last with 36. Scores for Rouslan and Jennifer are approximate as we had to pick up the game rather quickly.

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