Wednesday, March 18, 2015

March 12, 2015 Session Report

Attendance was down, partially because of the overlap with the first day of Game Days. We had seven, including one first-time attendee (Audrey), John W, Mike, Ben, Lina, Rouslan and myself. We played a total of four games: Pairs, Newshound, Concordia (with the Germania map) and Show Manager.

Pairs was a card game that Mike brought where you didn't want to be the first one elminated. I believe I was first out, or maybe last out, can't remember and my notes don't help me. Anyway, it was the quick starting filler that we played until more people showed up.

We split into two groups. Four (Mike, Ben, John W and Rouslan) played Concordia, using one of the new maps (Germania), and that game took just about all of the session time. Final scores were Mike 130, Rouslan 124, Ben 107, John W 83.

The rest of us (Audrey, Lina and myself) managed to squeeze in two games in the same time frame. First up was Newshound, which Audrey had brought, and it's primarily a trivia game about historical and current events. Audrey managed to win, with Lina and I kind of tied for second. We then played Show Manager, persevering despite the fact that the dry erase markers didn't seem to work, plus the fact we each had to put on two of each show (which actually makes the 3-player game a bit longer). I have Lina coming away with winner: Lina 86, John 67, Audrey 64.

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