Thursday, July 14, 2011

July 7, 2011 Session Report

Attendance of eight for this week, we welcomed one newcomer to the club (Doug G, who has moved into the area), along with regulars Tim, Patrick, Paul, Mike, Eric, Rembert and myself. We played four different games: 7 Wonders, 7 Wonders (with the Leaders expansion), Agricola and For Sale.

The first game of 7 Wonders was the closest game, scoring-wise, that I have seen yet. Each of us finished a point apart. Final scores were: John 51, Eric 50, Paul 49, Rembert 48, Mike 47. It was Rembert's first game although he had seen it played once or twice before.

The same group played 7 Wonders again, this time with the new Leaders expansion. The game was a romp for Eric, who had a good combination of leader cards plus the new Rome wonder which made it cheaper to play his leader cards, and also allowed him to get more of them into play. Final score count: Eric 82, Paul 65, John 63, Mike 60, Rembert 40.

The other group (Doug, Patrick and Tim) played a three-player Agricola game that filled most of the session time. Doug wound up the winner, 42 to 33 for Patrick and just 2 for Tim. Tim said he tried "something different," and whatever it was, it didn't work.

We wrapped up the evening with a game of For Sale. Final scores: Eric 59 K, John 54 K, Mike 51 K, Paul 45 K, Rembert 43 K.

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