Monday, July 19, 2010

July 15, 2010 Session Report

Eight for tonight's session: Paul, Ron, Mike, Doug, Clayton, Patrick and I were joined by Ben L, who was making his first visit to the club. We played the following four games: Olympia 2000, Word on the Street, Fresco and Automobile.

First up was Olympia 2000, turned out to be a five-player while waiting for others to show up. Paul was the winner with 12, followed by Doug and Mike (9 each), Ron (3) and John (1).

Doug had brought Word on the Street, which we played as teams. The games with a timer, and you respond to a question by "spelling" a word, pulling all the consonants in the word to your side of the table in a kind of tug-of-war. First team to collect eight letters wins. Really close game, came down to the final word when the team on Doug's side (Ron, John, Doug) pulled it out 8-7 over the other team (consisting of Ben, Paul and Mike).

We then split into two four-player games which took up the rest of the evening. One of the games was Fresco, when Ben won for his first win at the club. Final scores: Ben 110, Paul 100, Patrick 93, Paul 92. Seems like a really close game.

The Automobile game also came down to the wire. I prevailed, with 4420 in cash and factory value to 4290 for Mike. Turns out, had Mike not cut the price of his low-price cars on the final turn, he would have prevailed. Other players in this game were Clayton (3500) and Ron (3120).

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